Hi There . . I know this is a little bit weird . . but this site is for my weird stuff . . so be prepared for weirdness on this page, Mysterious Phenomena. Anyway . . these images came up when I typed in "werewolf" in the google search. I'm trying to find out scientific explanations for the things that are unexplained on this site . . so here's one possibility for the origin of werewolf stories . . . . that's all I got . . for today . . . this is probably one of the many possible explanations . . or maybe "real" werewolves are something totally different that no one has discovered yet. In my opinion . . in every story or myth . . if the people are sincerely believing that they see these supernatural things . . then THEY ARE SEEING SOMETHING! I do not believe that countless people can be simultaneously dillusional about the same thing . . there must be something out there . . the mystsery is . . what? . . . .
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